Anyehara De Los Santos

Long-Term Care and Medicare: A Candid Conversation with Anyehara De Los Santos

As we age, the possibility of needing long-term care (LTC) becomes a looming reality. LTC can be expensive and complex, from assistance with daily activities like bathing and dressing to skilled nursing care. But navigating this maze becomes even more intricate when we factor in Medicare, the primary health insurance program for Americans aged 65 and over.

To get a clearer picture, let’s turn to Anyehara De Los Santos, a Bronx-based Medicare Sales Representative and a passionate advocate for healthcare equity. With her deep understanding of Medicare and firsthand experience working with the community, Anyehara offers invaluable insights into demystifying the intersection of LTC and Medicare.

What Does Medicare Cover in LTC?

The short answer is little. Medicare primarily covers short-term skilled nursing care following a hospital stay, typically up to 100 days, with co-payments and deductibles. While it helps with rehabilitation after an illness or injury, it doesn’t offer ongoing custodial care or assistance with daily living activities.

“Many people mistakenly believe Medicare covers long-term care,” explains Anyehara De Los Santos. “This misconception can lead to financial hardship, as Medicare does not cover custodial care needs and can be very expensive.”

Filling the Gaps: Your LTC Options

So, what happens when you require long-term care beyond Medicare’s limited scope? Here’s where additional options come into play:

  • Medicaid: This government program helps low-income individuals pay for LTC, but eligibility requirements can be stringent and vary by state. Anyehara emphasizes the importance of exploring Medicaid options early on, as planning can ensure financial security in the long run.
  • Long-Term Care Insurance: This private insurance can provide comprehensive coverage for various LTC needs, offering peace of mind and financial protection. “Investing in long-term care insurance while you’re healthy and relatively young can be significantly cheaper than waiting until you need it,” advises Anyehara.
  • Out-of-Pocket Expenses: Unfortunately, for many families, covering LTC privately becomes a reality. This can involve tapping into personal savings, selling assets, or relying on family support.

Remember, long-term care planning is a journey, not a destination.

Start early, educate yourself about the options, and discuss your wishes with your family. The best approach to LTC is proactive planning

Anyehara De Los Santos

Here are some key takeaways from Anyehara’s expertise:

  • Early Planning is Key: The earlier you start planning, the more options you’ll have, and the better you’ll be financially prepared.
  • Gather Information: Research different LTC options, compare costs and benefits, and understand the eligibility requirements.
  • Consider Your Needs: Assess your current and potential future needs for care and choose a plan that aligns with your situation.
  • Talk to Your Family: Communication with your loved ones about your LTC preferences and financial plans is essential.
  • Seek Professional Help: Don’t hesitate to consult with financial advisors, eldercare specialists, or even your trusted Medicare Sales Representative for personalized guidance.


By demystifying the complexities of LTC and Medicare, we can empower individuals and families to make informed decisions and navigate the challenges of aging with dignity and financial security. Remember, long-term care planning may not be the most pleasant topic, but it’s necessary. Let’s start the conversation, share resources, and advocate for policies that ensure everyone has access to the care they deserve in their golden years.

To learn more about Medicare from Anyehara De Los Santos, visit her website.

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